“It takes a village to raise a child, so it’s with great pleasure that Manor ISD gets to partner with the Manor Schoolhouse Foundation in support of our students. Together we will grow the next generation of leaders for our community.”

- Dr. Robert Sormani, Superintendent, Manor ISD


A group of prominent community leaders came together in 2018 to form the Manor Schoolhouse Foundation to boost financial support for students and teachers in the Manor Independent School District.

Focus Areas:

  • Grow Partnerships

The Foundation builds and fosters partnerships with the community, businesses and families who share a common goal: raising private funds to support innovation in teaching and enhancing the quality of education for all students in Manor ISD.

  • Fund Programs That Work

The Foundation shares the District’s vision to focus on programs that help students reach their potential and positively impact the future.

  • Support Innovators In The Classroom

The Foundation is committed to awarding grants that help teachers unleash new and creative approaches to drive achievement in the classroom and provide new opportunities for students. Data will be used to evaluate the results.

What We Fund:

  • Classroom Innovation Grants

    Manor ISD educators and departments can apply for grants to fund innovative projects that enhance student learning and align with district goals. These grants foster creativity and support initiatives that would otherwise not be possible due to a lack of funding.

  • Campus Opportunity Grants

    We award grants to campuses to help them achieve goals and focus on priority areas set by school leadership.

  • Culture of Innovation Awards

    Manor ISD team members work tirelessly to ensure that our students have exposure to leading-edge learning opportunities. Every year, we recognize 5 individuals working in Manor ISD who create a “culture of innovation.”

  • Other Initiatives

    We sponsor a number of special programs and collaborate with corporate supporters to enhance district programs.
